List of California Alimony Guides and Articles
Alimony, also known as spousal support, is an issue in most California divorces. Understanding how the laws apply to your situation is essential to whether you seek alimony or may be required to pay it.
This page offers a list of guides and articles on how alimony is determined, the different types of alimony available, and the factors that can influence payment amount and duration. Whether you're at the beginning of your divorce or looking to modify an existing alimony order, the information provided here will help you confidently navigate the complexities of alimony.
Each section below links to in-depth articles that answer questions and provide scenarios, ensuring you have the knowledge to make informed decisions and protect your financial future.
Our Alimony Guides
Top 26 Questions and Answers About Alimony
A comprehensive overview of alimony in California, covering the factors courts consider, types of alimony, and how it's calculated.
Ultimate Guide to California Alimony Laws
California Alimony & Spousal Support Laws
An outline of the laws governing alimony in California, including statutory guidelines and the types of spousal support available.
What is a Temporary Alimony Order?
Explanation of temporary alimony orders, how they are issued, factors influencing their amount, and duration.
Alimony in a California Divorce Judgment
It focuses on how alimony is finalized, including the transition from temporary to alimony in. the judgment.
Alimony in a Long-Term Marriage
Alimony in California After 10 Years of Marriage
Explores the implications of long-term marriages on alimony, particularly for marriages lasting 10 years or more.
Calculating and Imputing Income for Alimony
Overview of Alimony Calculations
Overview of Calculations and Imputation
Provides an overview of alimony calculations and imputation.
Calculating Income for Alimony
Calculating Income for Alimony
Covers specific factors involved in calculating income for alimony and the importance of full financial disclosure.
Imputing Income for Alimony
Discusses how courts may impute income for alimony if a spouse is unemployed or underemployed based on earning potential.
Do You Need a California Alimony Calculator?
Discusses tools to estimate alimony payments, explaining how it works and the importance of legal advice for accurate results.
Alimony Duration, Modification, Reduction and Termination
Overview of Changing Alimony
Explains the circumstances under which alimony can be modified in California and the process for requesting a modification.
How Long Does Alimony Last in California?
Information on the duration of alimony, discussing the factors influencing alimony duration and termination.
Cohabitation and Reduced Need for Alimony
Alimony and Cohabitation in California
Explores how cohabitation with a new partner can affect alimony, including legal presumptions and evidence required for modifications.
Reduction of Alimony
How to Reduce Spousal Support in California
This outlines the steps and legal strategies for reducing spousal support in California and the importance of legal representation.
Termination of an Alimony Order
Explains the process of terminating alimony, including conditions for automatic or court-ordered termination.