Guides and Articles on Attorney's Fees in California Family Law Cases

Attorney's fees sometimes become contested in California family law cases, especially in contested cases. Whether you seek fees from your spouse, defend against a request, or want to learn more about different fee agreements between you and your attorney, we have written an article to give you the knowledge you need. We have organized the articles into need-based and sanctions-based fee requests, and different types of fee agreements.

Need-Based Attorney's Fees Requests

How Much Does a Divorce Cost?
This article offers a general overview of divorce costs, including how attorney's fees can impact the overall cost. It provides insights into what factors influence fees and how to budget for your divorce.

Attorney's Fees Against a Spouse in Divorce
Learn how one spouse can request attorney's fees from the other in divorce. This article explains the circumstances under which need-based attorney's fees can be awarded, including the financial disparity between spouses.

Defending Against Attorney's Fees Requests
If your spouse has requested attorney's fees, this article covers strategies for defending against such requests. It discusses the legal grounds for opposing fees and what evidence may be required.

Attorney's Fees Under Family Code 6344
Family Code 6344 deals with attorney's fees in the context of domestic violence cases. This article explains when and how attorney's fees can be requested under this code section, especially in protective order cases.

Sanctions-Based Attorney's Fees Requests

Sanctions Requests in Divorce
This article explores the concept of sanctions in divorce cases, including when and why a court might award attorney's fees as a sanction against one party. It highlights key behaviors that could lead to sanctions.

Family Code 271 Sanctions
Family Code 271 is a powerful tool for requesting attorney's fees to sanction obstructive behavior during a divorce. This article explains how sanctions under this code work and the types of conduct that could trigger them.

Sanctions for False Child Abuse Allegations
False allegations of child abuse can have serious consequences, including sanctions. This article discusses how courts handle false abuse claims and the potential for awarding attorney's fees as a sanction.

Discovery-Based Sanctions
When one party fails to comply with discovery requests during a divorce, the court may impose sanctions, including attorney's fees. This article covers the types of discovery misconduct that can lead to sanctions.

Types of Fee Agreements

Types of Attorney-Client Fee Agreements
This article provides an overview of the different types of retainer agreements available between clients and attorneys. It explains the pros and cons of each type and what to consider when entering into a fee agreement.

Hourly Rate Fee Agreements
Hourly rate agreements are the most common type of fee arrangement in family law cases. This article explains how hourly billing works, what to expect, and how to manage costs under an hourly fee agreement.

Flat Fee Agreements
Flat fee agreements offer predictability in legal costs. This article discusses when a flat fee arrangement might be appropriate, what it typically covers, and this type of agreement's potential benefits and drawbacks.

Limited Scope Fee Agreements
Limited scope agreements allow clients to hire attorneys for specific tasks rather than full representation. This article explains how these agreements work, their benefits, and when they might be suitable.