Modifying or Terminating Alimony in California

Our guides show you how alimony is modified or terminated

It is rare a modification or termination of alimony proceeding results in a quick and easy resolution. Unless the alimony is terminated due to death, remarriage, or a self-executing termination clause in the judgment, alimony modification or termination proceedings often result in litigation or contested hearings. That is because the alimony obligor is tired of paying what he or she pays, and the alimony obligee does not want any change unless alimony is going up.

But what are the grounds for a modification? And what are the grounds for a termination? Do you know the difference between terminating alimony and terminating the court's power to ever award it?

Our Articles on Modification or Termination of Alimony

We wrote pages on this subject because few people understand this area of alimony law well. The rules can get complicated, especially regarding post-judgment modifications or termination of alimony.

We hope you enjoy our pages on alimony modification and termination, and we welcome your feedback on anything you read within them. You may access them by navigating to the alimony link at the top of our website or simply clicking on the links below.