Our Network of Family Law Experts and Professionals

Appraisers, forensic accountants, therapists, and so much more

Through many years of family law experience, our family law firm has built a network of experts or professionals with whom we work. This network benefits our clients by bringing their knowledge and experience to family law cases.

Forensic Accountants

Forensic accountants have many uses in family law cases. In a divorce or parentage case, a forensic accountant can help determine income available for support purposes. They can also determine the value of a business, help trace separate property or community property assets, or assist with other forensic accounting needs a family law client may have. Over years of experience, we have built relationships with excellent forensic accountants who assist our clients with such needs.

Attorneys in Business, Real Estate, Estate Planning, Tax, Intellectual Property and More

We have built relationships with attorneys in different areas of law. Family law often overlaps with other areas of law, and when our clients need advice from such attorneys, we have the referral sources.

Real Estate Professionals

We have built relationships with real estate professionals, including appraisers, brokers, and salespersons. Many divorces involve a family residence, and the parties will likely need to decide how to divide the family residence's equity. Whether the equity is divided through a buyout or sale, a real estate professional's advice is essential. We can put you in touch with real estate professionals we have used and trust to do good work for you.

Attorneys Who Prepare Qualified Domestic Relations Orders

We work with experienced attorneys whose expertise is dividing retirements. We believe the division of retirements is a specialized area within family law. For that reason, we use these attorney experts who have dedicated either the majority or all of their practice to preparing qualified or standard domestic relations orders and helping to divide retirements. We have built professional relationships with them, and they help our clients divide different retirement types, including private or governmental ones.

Child Custody Experts

High-conflict child custody cases often require child custody experts. This is especially true in cases that involve false child abuse allegations or false domestic violence claims. We know the various private child custody evaluators courts may appoint to a case. One of the advantages of practicing family law for many years is that we have learned the different styles these private child custody evaluators may have and which ones may be a better fit for the type of case.

But separate from their appointment as the court's expert, we also work with child custody experts who can provide consulting advice to our clients. This includes consulting advice regardless of whether our client is undergoing a private child custody evaluation.

Reunification Counselors

If a parent has significantly alienated the child or children, and our client comes to us after a significant amount of alienation has already occurred, we may need a mental health professional's help to assist with reunification. We are not referring to reunification camps. We are talking about parenting time in a therapeutic setting.

These therapists assist in restoring the parent-child relationship. Unfortunately, many of these cases come to us after significant damage has already been done. However, we do not believe in giving up on the parent-child relationship. For those reasons, we consider reunification therapy an important part of rebuilding trust and the parent-child relationship.

Your Strategy Session

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Southern California Offices


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Strategy sessions are designed for those who are serious about their family law case, want to make informed and intelligent choices, and seek result-focused representation.