Our Family Law Attorneys Are Busy Working, Not Golfing

Driven to provide the highest quality of family law representation for our clients

Lawyers are like people in any other profession. There are bad lawyers, good ones, and those who are the legal profession's elite. Those who are at the top of their area of law, in the elite category, are the models for their profession. They are respected and trusted by their clients and the judiciary. Their colleagues know this well. These top attorneys get the right results because of their legal knowledge, experience, and skills inside and outside the courtroom.

No Compromise To The Quality Of Family Law Representation

As for our family law firm, there is no compromise on this issue. We believe working harder and smarter, coupled with diligence and discipline in all we do, is what gets us and keeps us at an optimal level.

How do we do this?

There is no substitute for hard work and preparation. We get the results for our clients because we will not compromise the quality of representation.

From the initial strategy session through the case's conclusion, our clients see and are rewarded by our in-depth knowledge of California family law. We know case law and code. We know the rules and procedures. We understand the general principles and the exceptions to them. You cannot practice family law at a high level without knowing all this and constantly being updated on new developments.

A Strategic And Result-Focused Approach To Every Case

Our clients also learn that we take a highly strategic approach to their cases. We don't consider any two cases to be identical. We customize the strategy based on the client's facts and issues. Budget has to play a role, although we also understand that budgets can only be controlled so much. Thus, we communicate with clients about the importance of reasonable compromise on issues that should be resolved.

Our Family Law Clients Are Not Left Wondering About The Case's Status

As for our communication skills, clients never wonder when their lawyer will call them back. When a client calls for his or her attorney, he or she speaks with that attorney, and when that attorney is unavailable because of trial or other engagements, we proactively set a time to talk. We can also handle our client's urgent issues during the day, evening, and even on the weekends when clients need us.

Communication At A High Level Is Proactive

We don't wait for our clients to contact us. When potential developments on any issue occur, we contact our clients immediately. Some communication is easier by email. Some require dialogue, and that is either a telephone or in-person meeting. When we need to present documents for our client's review, we make sure we provide our client with plenty of time to review them, ask questions, and collaborate with us until the final version is complete.

We Do Not Rush Important Decisions

Many other attorneys rush clients into settlements or decisions they are not ready to make. We do not do that to our clients because we believe careful thought must be given to any family law settlement agreement or other important issue before the parties finalize it.

We Are Built For Complex Family Law Cases

And what about complex issues? Our family law firm is built to handle complex cases. We are not a one or two-lawyer practice with limited resources. We can take on and effectively handle any case of any size.

Our approach to complex cases is to dissect the issues to determine which ones should be resolved and which likely will not. Our in-depth knowledge of the law and procedure allows us to pierce through the nonsense we often see other lawyers get caught up in. Spending money on issues that don't matter only wastes money, and we will avoid that at every turn.

We Seek Attorney's Fees Against Spouses Or Parents Who Cause Unnecessary Litigation

We seek attorney's fees and sanctions against the other spouse or parent when the other spouse or parent unnecessarily causes litigation. It does not matter whether the other spouse is a higher-income earner or the lower one.

The California Family Code punishes parties of any wealth level when they engage in misconduct. So whether you are the higher income earner, a stay-at-home parent, or someone in between, the law is there to help you when the other spouse or parent is out of control.

We discuss options if a party has willfully violated a court order, including a family law contempt proceeding.

High Skill Level And Decades Of Combined Experience Inside The Courtroom

Inside the courtroom, we are well-versed in the rules of procedure and evidence and know how to conduct a hearing or a family law trial.

Our experience litigating cases of every size inside a courtroom gives us a distinct advantage over less experienced or less knowledgeable attorneys or attorneys of significant experience who are not courtroom litigators. Our results speak for themselves, as do the glowing testimonials we receive from our clients.

Why Would You Expect Or Accept Anything Other Than Quality Representation?

There are often compromises in life. But when it comes to the quality of representation in a divorce or parentage case, there should be no compromise. That lack of compromise and focused commitment to exceptional representation is what makes our family law firm the right choice.

Your Strategy Session

About your strategy session

Southern California Offices


Our Services and Fees

Frequently asked questions

Strategy sessions are designed for those who are serious about their family law case, want to make informed and intelligent choices, and seek result-focused representation.