Father Defeats at Trial a Mother's False Child Abuse Allegations

Our family law firm represented father. Mother was represented by a lawyer. Mother made very serious allegations against father. She claimed that father was abusing their daughter.

Father was distraught over the false allegations and vowed to fight. He fired his last lawyer and hired us. After our family law firm became involved in the case, we launched a detailed investigation into the allegations.

We took numerous depositions. We interviewed witnesses. We hired an expert witness.

The case went to trial.

The Judge heard the testimony of all the parties and witnesses. The Judge, at our request, also spoke with the child in chambers. The Judge agreed with our position that mother's allegations were false and father had not abuse his daughter.

The Judge awarded joint legal and joint physical custody to both mother and father. We asked the Court to award sole custody to father due to mother's false allegations. The Court warned mother that if she made another false allegation against father, that is exactly what the Court would do.

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