About Farzad & Ochoa


Family Law Video

[This video is in the process of being updated. We will post it at a later date]

Orange County is a unique place to live and work. Unlike Los Angeles or other major counties in California, "the O.C." has a smaller and more intimate feel to it. This County's unique nature carries forward to its Family Court, called the Lamoreaux Justice Center. Having an office and attorneys who work in Orange County brings for your benefit our family law experience, local knowledge, honest collaboration and dedicated time and personal attention to your case.

We hope you enjoyed this video about Farzad & Ochoa's Orange County divorce and family law practice. Here are some other helpful resources:

  • Want to learn more about our law firm? Please check out our comprehensive page about our family law practice and divorce lawyers.
  • We give you valuable insight about Lamoreaux Justice Center on our dedicated page to our Family Court.
  • We have written comprehensive guides on various areas of family law. They include:
    • California child custody laws
    • California child support laws
    • Spousal Support in California
    • And many more! You can find these pages in our menu, above.

The above are only a few of the many helpful articles we have written on California family law. Please take your time viewing the site and don't hesitate to call us if you have any questions or suggestions for topics.